Educational Loans
The world economy has noticed that U.S Dollar has gone down and then regained to bounce
back and global crude oil prices at an all-time high. In addition to all this, our economy is
betting against a number of factors that make the educational loans a very needy affair. This
situation has been caused by a majority of the students becoming loan defaulters and the
banks classifying the loans granted to them as bad-debts.
But this situation is quite better now with National Business Development Co-operative Bank announcing welfare
measures, which include the speedy granting of loans to the students for higher education.
Typically an educational loan covers the undermentioned expenses. Accommodation charges,
expenses related to the purchase of books and equipment, examinations and library fee,
travel expenses and insurance premium for the student.
Although a number of scholarships and other financial aid options exist for studying abroad,
not all student become eligible for them. As a result of this educational loans it plays an
important part of the study abroad plans of the student. Educational loans for studying
abroad are provided by many of the bank in Sri Lanka.
National Business Development Co-operative Bank offers a good student loan system for Sri Lankan students to
pursue their education abroad. The educational loan for studying aboard is provided for job
oriented professional, technical graduation degree courses offered by reputed overseas
Step to our bank and get so many details of educational loans to suit your budget.