Northern Development Co-operative Bank

Northern Development Co-operative Bank is registered in accordance with the legal authority granted by the Co-Operative Regulations Act No 7(2) of 1972. The purpose of establishing this bank is to promote the financial stability of all sectors of the business field. This bank came into being with the aim to promote savings and investment habits among people, specially in rural parts of the country. Our bank plays a very hard role in rural financing with funding areas of agriculture, livestock, milk, personal finance, self employment, setting up of small-scale units among the few focus points for both urban and rural banks.

Most of all, we provide much needed alternative to the age old exploitative practice of people approaching the village money lender, most often getting into debt-traps, that they have to struggle to pull themselves out of.

Our banking system came into being with the aim to promote saving and investment habits among people, especially in rural parts of the country.